6 Mistakes 99% Of Real Estate Agents Make When Advertising on Facebook (+ Case Study of how the 1% of Top Real Estate Agents do Facebook Differently)

According to Borrell Associates 89% of real estate agencies ad spend went towards online advertising in 2019 – with newspaper ads making up just 4.8%.

Many real estate agencies are advertising on social media. However just because a major real estate agency uses Facebook ads does not mean that they are doing it correctly.

And this is not a guess – I’ve been speaking and auditing Facebook websites and speaking to real agents in Australia and seeing the results they have been coming up with. Many don’t even know how much leads they are receiving because their traditional agencies is pushing stats like views or impressions etc. – after speaking face to face with real estate agents in Australia I have come up with and the truth is after researching and speaking to not only agents but successful advertisers I have come up with cutting edge research – not available anywhere else – where I can show you what is – and what isn’t working when it comes to getting appraisal appointment leads on Facebook in Australia.

By the time you finish watching this blog you will learn the mistakes that 99% of real estate agencies make when they start advertising online – which will help you save tens of thousands of dollars and learn information that even the top Facebook agencies don’t know about when it comes to filling your pipeline with leads.

In the first section I will talk about the biggest mistakes real estate agencies make when advertising on Facebook and in the second section I will give you the full blueprint of not only how to advertise and fill your selling pipeline with leads but also show you how the top 1% of real estate agents are all ready doing this with a real case study.

1. Spy on your Competitors, just don’t assume they know what they’re doing (or that what’s good for the geese is good for the gander)

Facebook’s ad transparency initiative means you are now able to see what ads your competitors are running now and in the past – across Facebook and Instagram.

Do you think if you were looking to start advertising on Facebook it might be a good idea to check out what others have been doing – and what’s worked and what hasn’t worked for them?

Just go to any company’s Facebook page and scroll down to the ‘Page Transparency’ section – click ‘See All’ then scroll down and click ‘Ad Library’ – voila – you know have the Facebook advertising blueprint for some of the biggest real estate companies in Australia.

This means you can go to the Facebook page of realestate.com.au – who spends hundreds of thousands on Facebook every year – and find out exactly what ads are working for them right now – or you can go to the biggest real estate agency in your city and see what ads they are running.

Before you start copying or getting inspiration from other real estate company’s ads please keep the following two points in mind:

  • Realestate.com.au is not even a real estate agency so their Facebook strategy is going to be completely different to yours – it’s a great place to find ideas but you must understand they have completely different goals – which is not getting property appraisal appointments – which is what you want.
  • Just because a successful real estate agency has a Facebook campaign does not mean that they’re successful because of their Facebook campaign. This is a mistake I see a lot of real estate agents make where they’ll come to me and say “Well we want to be like this company and this is their website” – and I say “Their website is horrible – it’s terrible.”

Most of the time when I research this “big and successful” real estate agency I find out the reason for their success usually has to do with their consistent and unrelenting client follow up strategy or some other reason – but in many cases it’s not because of their Facebook campaign.

Some of the biggest real estate agencies that I’ve spoken to have had Facebook campaigns where they didn’t even know how many leads they were getting, the lead acquisition system was completely broken and their advertising agency was pushing numbers on them like “Total Impressions” which means nothing.

2. Stop Treating Facebook Like a Magazine (Because it’s 2021)

News flash – Facebook is not a magazine – yet advertisers are still obsessed with treating it like one. What do I mean?

Well let me ask you this – if you were advertising in the year 2050 in a magazine and you had the option to advertise in a magazine – but you could have a video play on the futuristic paper or have a still image – what would you choose if you had a choice? -and they said to you —

What do you think would grab a user’s attention more? A video – or a still photo?

This ad is great because it uses people which draws the user’s attention – and has a clear benefit – however it could benefit by having more interactive copy content so it competes better with content users are all ready scrolling through.

And what if you were told that both a video and a still photo cost the exact same?

What would you choose?

Now what if you were told that it would cost you $1 for every person that viewed your video and $7 for every person that viewed your still, boring photo.

What sounds like a better investment?

If you think you’d be crazy to not use video – then yeah – you’d be right. And that’s exactly what most companies are doing.

In fact the biteable.com research found that the cost per click on a video ad was $1.19 vs. $7.11 for a static image.

But Facebook doesn’t just have video ads – they have Gallery ads and Instant Experience ads – they make such an effort to give you creativity and stand out – but of course most media agencies whoa are used to advertising in magazines still don’t get it.

“But we don’t have the budget for a commercial” – you may be thinking.

Sure – but do you have 4 images you can put together into a slide show? There are online tools you could use to put this together in as little as 30 minutes – no big Hollywood budget required.

And this is coming from someone who specialised in video production and has been responsible for many commercials – and I can tell you – it’s not necessary.

But how do we use video ads specifically for getting more appraisal appointments – well we’re going to get to that!

3. Stop Giving “Fake” Value – Start Giving “Real” Localised Value

Many real estate agents try to create generic reports like the one above (taken from a Real Estate agency in Australia). These do not work for the reasons listed below.

Since we know that nobody on Facebook cares about your business and only wants what’s relevant to them many companies make the mistake of creating “reports”. You’ve seen these – the 5 tips to sell your home in 2021. The 5 tips on how to manage your property in 2021. Whatever it is.

Long story short – not only do people not care about your business – they also don’t care about reports. The market is flooded right now with information products – especially in the real estate field – and there is a flood and over saturation of this type of content.

The market is flooded with real estate informational products of a generic nature – so don’t try to add even more to it!

Also creating generic reports like this is lessening the value that you can give to your prospects – you need to create content that plays to your competitive advantage.

And what is your competitive advantage? Well if you’re a real estate agency – many real estate agents say they are the “Local experts” – and that’s what your value should demonstrate – not only is this better for the prospect but by doing this you position yourself as the No. 1 choice in your area – not just a great real estate agent.

For example – did you just sell a property in your area that set a record for the highest price, perhaps you’re more of a hands on agent and you did some renovation for your client prior to the sale in the area you serve. Maybe you’re a property manager and were able to significantly increase one of your client’s rental yields – sellers are looking to hear information like this – especially if it’s in the area where they are selling.

And later on in the ‘Blueprint’ section of this blog I’m going to show you exactly how an agent has applied this exact strategy successfully – so stay tuned!

4. Behold the Power of the Emoji

Plain text is boring – and as an advertiser you want to ensure your ads stand out and capture the user’s attention right? How else can you ensure your value proposition is read and connects with your audience?

The problem is unlike others – whose friends are actually interested in what they have to say – very few people are interested in what a company has to say about themselves.

When creating your Facebook ad you want to create engaging content that people will read – but at the same time you know that no one is looking to read an ad when they land – much less a long one.

So when you have a message that’s longer than the typical 6 word Facebook post – on a platform where no one is looking for you to come in and state your piece – how do you ensure that it actually gets read – and stands out?

Well what if I was to tell you that you could do this using a technique that most people on Facebook don’t even use – which is free to use – makes your message be 50% more visible and won’t cost you a cent extra?

Well – here it is. Behold the power of the Emoji!

People LOVE emojis – they can break up your text. What looks better a bunch of bullet points like this?

Or a bunch of bullet points like this?

You can use emojis to make your text powerful and because they’re so rare and so few advertisers use them (because they don’t know about them) – much less people that use Facebook. Emojis – combined with powerful copy targeted at the right prospect will PULL the person into your copy.

You can find a list of all the supported emojis on Facebook using this link


There are emojis for every need – and I’ll go through how to use emojis for real estate ads specifically on Facebook after this!

5. Don’t Buck the Zuck (Please the Facebook Lord – and Keep People on Facebook)

Mark Zuckerberg is the guy who runs Facebook – and if you want to be successful on Facebook you have to understand Mark’s philosophy on how advertising should work on his platform, how the advertising platform works on a technical level – and understand -how- Mark Zuckerberg’s goals and work within those.

This is what separates those who know how to post an ad on Facebook – and those who make millions of dollars year after year exclusively from Facebook advertising and dominate the competition in their industry – -and I’m going to break down these- – let’s break each one down.Segment your engaged audiences – Mark’s goal with all aspects of his Facebook platform is to ensure that the end user is served with the most relevant content – and that the user keeps scrolling. The longer a Facebook user scrolls on his phone – the more ads Mark Zuckerberg can serve that user – the more that user will come back again and again.

Tracking and Segmenting

Mr. Zuckerberg has created one of the most sophisticated systems to track how engaged a user of his product is with the content his system serves.

We’re not just talking about whether someone clicked on your ad – we’re talking about, did they hover their mouse over your ad, did they click on ‘Read More’. Do you have a video ad?

Well you can see how many people watched it for 5 seconds, for 15 seconds, for 30 seconds – and we can even segment those audiences and say “Let’s show everyone who watched the ad for longer than 30 seconds… another ad!”

Not only do you have access to all this tracking information – but you can build audiences around how engaged prospects were with your ad – and re-target those audiences. For example let’s retarget everyone that wathed 15 seconds or more of your video ad but didn’t get in contact.

This is why it’s so important to start advertising earlier rather than later on Facebook – because even if your campaign is a complete failure – you’re still getting data and are able to build custom audiences of people that at least decided to give your ad a little bit of attention – and then retarget those audiences!

Ad Variations – Utilise Facebook’s AI Machine

You must understand the Facebook AI machine. Facebook doesn’t have ‘editors’ per se – like a magazine – who decide – on a human level what should be shown and what shouldn’t. Instead what is shown on Facebook is determined by the “algorithm” – and those that understand how to work within the algorithm – and give it what it needs are rewarded and win – those that work against it lose tens of thousands of dollars and are run off Facebook.

So what is the secret?

I’m going to tell you now – the secret is – you need to give the algorithm as much data points as possible so it can work with you to optimise your relevancy score. What do I mean? I mean if you have an ad – you can create 5 text variations – and 5 image variations – and combine all the different combinations into 25 separate ads and then let the algorithm do the rest!

Most people just create one ad – sit back and then see it fail and then create another ad and try that. You want to avoid this.

Keep them on Facebook – Messenger Ads

The final way to not buck the Zuck – is to keep people on Facebook and avoid external links! Most ads you see are trying to navigate users away from Facebook to a landing page – however you don’t need to let people leave Facebook to get their details and start a conversation and sell your service – especially if you’re a real estate agent.

Facebook incentivises and rewards advertisers who create ads that keep users on the Facebook platform instead of navigating away from it – and this makes sense of course – the longer people stay on Facebook the better.

But it’s not just a benefit for Facebook – using tools such as ad to Messenger and Lead Ads you can increase the amount of leads you receive by removing the friction that a landing page creates. This is because instead of getting the user to type in all their details – their name, phone number etc. you can have Facebook pre-populate this information for you – and the less your prospect has to work the more likely you are to receive more information.

Oh – and if you get someone to get in contact with you through a Messenger ad you don’t just get their name or email – you get their life! You can do all kinds of research on the prospect before you even reach out to them – this is all valuable information for follow up – so take advantage of this!

6. Put Yourself Last, But Do Put Yourself – and Give the Deets

Many companies start their advertising talking about themselves and (obviously) – how great they are. They go about this in different ways but more or less the message is always similar – we are amazing – you should definitely work with us – we will do the best job possible.

The problem is there’s nothing you can really say in this regard – about your company that will be taken seriously or be welcomed. People on Facebook are not looking to learn more about your business.

But no matter what you say – or what value you can give outside of saying “We’re awesome” – you are going to have to say who you are – because that’s going to show as your profile when you post an ad – so when you do mention yourself you need to do these two things to avoid the most common mistake real estate agents make.

Firstly – put your phone number in the ad! Facebook has no policy against having your phone number in the ad itself – forget about your big flashy logo and instead include a phone number.

And – secondly when you do mention yourself make sure you include a photo of the actual agent or person inside your company. Make it personal. I see a lot of ads by real estate agencies where they have a photo of some building and then their logo in the bottom right hand corner – listen nobody cares about your logo or a building or house – unless it benefits them.

However if you are going to include info about yourself then make sure you give a direct mobile number at least – so people know how to call a REAL person.

Again – I want to stress this – nobody is impressed by big logos or big brands saying how big and important they are on Facebook. You’re pretty much the company equivalent of the guy who posts on Facebook to say how he has too many friends and he’s about to unfriend some – it comes off as douchy and does not fit the culture of what Facebook is.

Keep in mind I’m talking about leads – some may say this is not the best way to build a “brand” but you’re not on Facebook to build a brand – you’re on Facebook to get leads and position yourself afterwards.

Now I’m going to show you how to put all these tacts in the next section.

Practical Case Study: Behind the Scenes of a Successful Facebook Ad Strategy – How the 1% of Real Estate Agents Do it Differently

So now – hearing what works and what doesn’t is great. But let’s actually go behind the scenes of an agent who is putting all of these strategies together and is making a killing on Facebook.

Anyway let’s go through the anatomy of a successful ad.

Let’s look at 2 ad variations so we can figure out why they work:

Ad Variation #1:

Now why is this ad so great? Let’s see how it conforms to the model that we discussed:

Emoji Time

You can see the finger used for the bullet points. This is eye catching and creates a more friendlier and casual outlook – much more than these big blocks of text that nobody is going to read.

Also you’ll notice that there’s really no big block of text. The ad is getting straight to the point – with a real estate agent you don’t need to have a ten page story – people get the idea – you sell homes.

Real Localised Value

Here the agent Remy is showing the prospect what was achieved with a home that was just sold and offering to show them the price if they click ‘Learn More’. You’ll also see there’s a street name and a suburb name – now imagine if you live in this area – this agent has positioned himself perfectly, very quickly with numbered statistics – which is always important – he didn’t start with “I’m a great agent that’s focused on results” – he gave numbers – and numbers on a very specific piece of property.

Now the value here comes in because imagine you live in this area and you see this property sold on Cambridge Street – you’re going to say “Oh, I know that street – that’s just up the road right? I’m curious how much that property sold for – sure let me know.”

This is localised value – people want to know what homes sell for. He didn’t give out a report like “How to sell properties for more” or anything else – he’s giving unique knowledge that only he has – there’s no one who is looking to sell their home who is not curious about how much other homes are selling for – and this is very fresh information.

Notice the agent says “just sold” – in other words this information is probably not even in the public registrar yet. It’s fresh!

Facebook is not a Magazine Concept

Not using Facebook as a magazine – in this case this agent Remy could have just used a single photo but he didn’t – because Facebook is NOT a magazine. You’ll notice he used an image gallery ad – and he uses an identical ad but uses a video instead – here is the ad with the video:

Now you’ll notice in this ad the creative and even the images used are exactly the same – the only difference is that in this case rather than using an image gallery ad Remy has taken the gallery and used a simple video program to create a video that cycles through the images – by the way – lots of tools online to do this – it’s not that hard – you don’t need a professional sales team.

The reason this is smart on Remy’s part is that he is feeding the Facebook algorithm with different variations of his ad and allowing the algorithm to determine which ad to use and when to optimise his results – which in this case is to get people to start a conversation by clicking ‘Learn More’.

Putting yourself last

You’ll notice in the video at the very end Remy puts his personal details including his mobile number – and he does this in the second to last ad on the Gallery. This is a great way to get those direct calls – I can imagine myself saying “You know what let me call this agent direct and ask him how much that price is” – and once your ad has opened up that conversation your Facebook ad campaign has done its job – now it’s your ob as an agent to either book an appointment, call back or start a follow up sequence.

By the way I can tell you that with this type of ad you’re going to get enquiries from people who may not be looking to sell their home for another 6 months – you may even get enquiries from just curious people – but you’re going to be casting the largest possible net.

When you start an ad – as a real estate agent with something like “Look at how amazing we are, we can sell your home, we are the local experts” or whatever generic thing you want to say the only enquiries you’re going to get are people who are looking to sell their home right now – if someone is looking to sell their home later they may raise their eyebrow and consider you in the future – the old “awareness” and “top of mind” that many advertisers talk about – but I’m sure you’d rather be creating contact with these people and having a follow up strategy – because there’s no better way to stay top of mind then actually speaking to someone and calling them back.

Click to Messenger Ad

Finally I want to stress – and this is not shown in my demonstrations but this ad is a ‘Click to Messenger Ads’ – which means that when someone clicks on ‘Learn More’ they start a conversation with the company through Messenger and are taken through a multi step questionnaire to qualify themselves as a valuable lead.

If you are a real estate agent – stop using landing pages. An ad to messenger allows you to get all the information you need from a client and also allows the client to autatomically fill in details like their phone number and email with one click – eliminating friction in your lead generation process.

Also you can see when your prospect has read your message and you can easily follow them up with new information as necessary and keep yourself top of mind – but really you should be getting on the phone with the prospect as soon as possible!


In this blog I went over the most common mistakes that you see real estate agencies making – along with how to fix those problems – and finally we ended with a real case study of an agent that is getting extremely good results from Facebook – and I know this from first hand knowledge.

This blog should be the blue print for your online strategy when it comes to generating seller leads on Facebook. While the strategies outlined in this blog work great for appraisal appointments the same principles apply for property management leads – just remember – real localised value is the key!

My hope is that I’ve given you some ideas, inspiration and confidence to try this yourself – and remember take action on these concepts. Go and advertise on Facebook. Even if you spend just $1,000 – there’s no minimum ad spend on Facebook.

You can get started for as little as $50 – all though don’t expect big results for that – but the moral of the story is take action because every month you don’t advertise on Facebook is another month you are losing data with what works and what doesn’t work – as well as another month you fail to build a custom audience of your future customers.

Introducing: Head Studio’s Real Estate Landing Page Accelerator Product – 3X Your Appraisal Appointments in 2 Weeks

From the many real estate agency owners I speak with I hear stuff like this all the time
  • “We know our website needs improvement – it’s always under consideration – but we’ve had our site redone three years ago. What difference is a new redesign going to make?”
  • “We’ve spoken to digital agencies – and I’m sure they’re good – but they don’t understand real estate – it’s different to many other businesses they work with.”
  •  “Sure Kosta, you have some great concepts and ideas – but I don’t know if I have the energy to undertake a whole redesign of my online presence. I know it’s important – but so are other things and I have to allocate my time to what’s important.”

Look – updating or creating a new website is not fun.

You have to sit down and talk about what every bit of colour is going to be, recreate potentially hundreds of inner pages – not to mention setup a listing sync with your current real estate portal – 

Link everything up with your CRM – sometimes deal with your previous online provider. 

Stress about whether you’re going to lose your Google rankings if you make changes.

Not to mention the hours you have to invest into the project, and the stress. 

And even after all that then the failure rate for web development projects is between 30 – 70% (literally over 30% of web projects don’t even get completed and launched) and that’s not to speak about projects that get completed but don’t result in any additional leads- those are some scary stats – and it’s no wonder why most real estate agencies stay with their same bad design year after year. Even when they know their website is leaking tens of thousands of dollars in revenue. 

But what if all those problems could be avoided? 

Well that’s what the Real Estate Landing Page Accelerator – which I’ll just call RELPA is here to fix. 

In short RELPA allows you to implement the cutting edge real estate appraisal acquisition techniques on your website to blow up your appraisal leads –  while keeping your existing website and technology – and allowing you to go live and start increasing appraisal appointments in as little as two weeks. 

It’s a number of pages that – when added to your website work together to ensure your website does what it needs to do – and that’s get more real estate appointments! 

And these pages can be styled to the look and feel of your WordPress website and integrated with your Crm systems.

So what exactly makes RELPA different to all the other ‘real estate templates’ you’ve seen around? 

Let’s get started!

Real Estate Testimonial Software

Position Yourself as the First Choice

Not only do 78% of people start their search for a real estate agent online – but also prospects are going to read third party non-biased reviews in making their decision. Wouldn’t you?

Let’s see what makes RELPA different.

Here is the review section on the new landing page:

You will note that there is also an individual review page accessible from the top menu

And here is the individual review page:

This is designed to get you appraisal appointments – let me show you how that’s done. 

Live Google Reviews

One Click Social Proof Pull

The Google review app will be able to pull live reviews from your Google Places page (even if you have multiple places with multiple reviews) and have them aggregated on your Reviews page – so the user can scroll through and read your Google reviews without leaving the website.

What’s more every Google review will have the Google logo which will allow the user to click and go directly to that individual review – to add trust and instill confidence in your prospect.

Rate My Agent Integration

Get Your Best RateMyAgent Reviews

The review page has a link to RateMyAgent – to immediately build trust. However the review page will allow us to put your most powerful RateMyAgent reviews first – because what is the point of having powerful reviews if they are stuck and not viewable by the client.

Just imagine reading 2 reviews from 2 separate real estate agents – one says that you did a great job, and your competitor’s review says they sold the house way above reserve. 

Which agent would you pick? 

The Review page will allow you to add individual RateMyAgent reviews so you can have your 3 most stand out reviews and control which reviews the user sees. 

Google Review Ordering

Strategical Seller Authority Positioning

Ordering reviews means we can now place the most important Google reviews at the top – ensuring that you control what reviews the prospect sees – the ones that will influence your prospect to make a decision.

We can order these on the front page and on the inner review page. 

73% of consumers read six or fewer reviews before making a decision


Because let’s be honest your customer isn’t going to read every single one of your reviews – and if you have a 50/50 split of tenant and seller reviews you want to ensure that the seller reviews are highlighted on your home page if this is where your revenue comes from and is your ultimate goal. 

Review Headlines

Differentiate Yourself With Results

Review headlines are going to make a huge impact on the effectiveness of your testimonials. 

Let’s say someone leaves a testimonial for a home you sold for them at $30,000 above the reserve. The testimonial may mention that they were very happy with the sale but does not mention the specific number of how high above the sale price you were able to sell their home for.

This information is very important – rather than asking them to change their review – you can now add a headline to your reviews which calls out the most important part of the review – which for sellers is most commonly how high above reserve price you were able to sell a property.

Think about it – when someone sees the review section they’re not going to go and read every single review – but they will quickly read the headline. This is your opportunity to position yourself explicitly as someone who gets their clients the best bang for their buck and is the clear choice for them to book an appointment with. 

Keep in mind that even if your competitor has just as many reviews as you do – by ordering them by most important and using a call out headline it’s going to make you look like the clear choice – and since most sellers only meet with one real estate agent and at maximum 2 – being shortlisted based on this is going to make a big difference in your bottom line at the end of the year. 

Multi Step Forms

Avoid Abandonment, Increase Form Completion

Multi step forms can get up to 300% more conversions. – Venture Harbour

We need to speak about Market Appraisal forms on real estate websites. They are woefully under optimised – and considering it’s the most important part of a website not focusing on this would be a big disservice to your bottom line.

The real estate landing page accelerator fixes a lot of issues and optimises your website for maximum Market Appraisal conversions – let’s discuss what it does.

The reason that a multi step form can increase your conversion rate by up to 300% is because people can really not be bothered to fill in forms – especially long forms. 

The solution may be to include a very short form – but then you are left with not enough information to qualify the prospect and end up only answering enquiries and not moving the process to the next stage.

Having a short form may lead to more enquiries – but you are left with no information to follow up with and provide value and no ability to qualify your leads – leading you to spend energy following up leads that are not motivated and unqualified.

Increase your conversions by taking advantage of the multi step features – the form starts with a king only one question – the prospect’s address – so there is minimal commitment to proceed to the next stage.

Address Auto Suggest

Increase conversions by 30% and get accurate client data backed by Google

The Market appraisal form comes with an address auto suggest – allowing your prospect to quickly enter their address details and have Google help them pick the right address.

This makes the form easier to fill in increasing conversion rates and increases the amount of accurate data.

Also – interesting fact – did you know the longest suburb name in Australia is ‘Mamungkukumpurangkuntjunya’ – can you imagine a prospect having to type that in? With the address auto suggest you don’t have to worry about creating a negative user experience for prospects with long street and suburb names.

Market Appraisal Benefits Section

Sellers will take action when you give them a reason

If the user resists filling in their address to get started there is a benefit section which outlines why they would want to proceed – a feature that is sorely lacking from most real estate websites.

The vast majority of market appraisal forms I find on real estate websites don’t even say why someone should fill out the form in the first place – they just assume the prospect knows why they would need to do this and does not need to be educated – or any effort made to differentiate a market appraisal from other real estate agents.

This template fixes this with a market appraisal benefit section – while this may seem like a minor thing – this is actually a big deal. Giving a person a reason and outlining the benefits of taking an action is a big improvement over just telling them to take an action.

Also if the user scrolls down that means they’re second guessing starting the form process – the benefits section will resolve this.

Sales Lifecycle Shortening Questions

Ask the Right Questions to Frame Your First Follow Up to your Advantage

It’s not just about having a multi step form – it’s about asking the right questions. And what are the right questions?

Well the right questions are the ones that are going to help you qualify the prospect and give you the information to move to the next stage as quickly as possible.

The multi step form on the RE landing page accelerator is optimised to ask just the right amount of questions.

Firstly – it asks for the address

Then it asks for Name, Email and Phone Number – pretty standard questions

Finally it asks for when the prospect wants to sell and the prospect’s relationship to the property. 

You don’t want to drive half way across town only to find out the property you’re appraising is for the owner’s son who just happened to mention at one point he may be thinking of selling and now the son is wasting everyone real estate agent’s time getting various appraisals to choose the right one. 

And if someone is just kicking tyres and is not motivated to sell – you want to know that too – so you can prioritise that lead correctly. There is a big difference between someone who is looking to sell in the next 6 months and someone who is looking to sell IMMEDIATELY due to circumstances and is highly motivated.

I would trust you would treat those two sellers very differently.

Asking the right questions and presenting them in the correct way sets the tone for the rest of your sales journey with the customer – you owe it to yourself to get this right to save yourself headaches down the line.

Multi Agent Booking Form

Qualified Appointments on Auto-pilot

The most important part of booking an appointment is – actually booking the appointment right? Having to go back and forth trying to lock down a time between yourself and the home seller can be a stressful process. 

Sometimes a seller can screw you around – telling you they’ll get back to you or being slow in response – leaving you in a situation where you’re unsure about whether the home appraisal will happen at all.

And even if it does you’ve wasted weeks trying to lock down a time that works.

Well now the booking form is completely integrated into your website as part of the multi step form – the prospect can enter their details and then book a time that works for them.

They can even choose whether to have the appointment on the phone, your office or at their address (you can remove and add options as required). Perhaps your prospect just wants an initial consultation over the phone first.

The user can choose the terms on which they will meet with you, and you can also increase or decrease the amount of choices available to the user to suit your needs. The great thing is – even if the user abandons the form at the booking stage you still have their details to follow up and find out what made them leave.

The best thing about the booking form is that it can be integrated to work either just for yourself or a staff of 10, 20 or more and integrate with all their calendars – think of the amount of time this would save.

Installation of this will also include integrating this booking system into your own real estate agency along with your staff and their calendar.

Abandonment Prevention

Stop 68% of your Prospects Abandoning your Form

Hypothetical question – what if someone enters their address – but then they leave? What should happen?

In a traditional form if a prospect chose to leave the website half way through your Market Appraisal page half way through – guess what – all that content is gone. 

With the in-built form abandonment feature you can ensure that you get all the details from a prospect’s enquiry. So for example if someone only enters in their address and then decides to leave – and that address just happens to be in an area where you’ve done a letterbox drop – well guess what – you’ve just prioritised your follow up.

Allow follow ups of abandoned forms

Again I want to stress that this is not a replacement for your manual follow up – instead this landing page accelerator product is meant to turbo-charge what you’re all ready doing – including cold door knocking for properties in the area you’re listing in – after all it’s not a digital vs. non-digital world – we can do both at the same time.

Capture the data from abandoned forms and use that as a reason to follow up and find out why they left the form – and if this even brings in just one additional home sale listing agreement per year – it would be worth it don’t you agree?

Ask for the appointment at the right time

The RELPA system will also add a call to action to the footer of your pages – so for example if a user clicks on your Reviews page and scrolls to the bottom of that page – you’re in the perfect position to ask for the user to take the next step – the call to action block will be visible on all pages and will allow the user to either request a call back or move to the next step.

Placing a call to action in the footer of your pages an increase conversions by up to 304% based on research conducted by protocol80.com

Call Back Feature

Increase self respect by asking for a minimal commitment

You may notice one thing that’s missing on this landing page is a contact form. That’s because this accelerator landing page does not have one.

Why is that?

Well do you want to be getting enquiries about what your commission rate is – and general questions which just waste your time. 

RELPA works on the assumption that you want to get on the phone with the prospect as soon as possible – now if the prospect chooses to not book an appraisal appointment the only other option they have is to request a call back.

Surely you would agree that you would rather speak to prospects on the phone to address and dig in to any potential issues that they have and qualify them right there and then – that way you’ll know exactly where you are with any prospect once you hang up the phone. 

By the way if a prospect is not willing to get on the phone and speak with you – then you can rest assured that’s because they’re just price shopping trying to get the lowest commission rate and you don’t want to deal with prospects like that in the first place. 

Below you can see the Request Callback Form. 

Ease of Use

Spend More Time Selling, Less time Web Managing

If you’ve read up to this point then you either probably have considered updating your online presence to maximise your appraisal leads and what I have told you about the RE landing page accelerator makes sense. 

But let’s be honest – if you’re like most real estate agents you’ve probably experienced web site updates/redesigns as painstaking processes that take months to complete and sink a lot of time.

So I want to show you why this landing page is going to make your life so much easier.

KISS Engine

Gain control of your online presence

The Keep It Simple Stupid engine – otherwise known as Elementor – is the easiest page builder ever made for WordPress. If you’ve ever been in a situation where you wanted to update a part of your website but were limited then you can say hello to freedom.

The WYSIWYG KISS engine is so easy you never have to wait on a web developer to make changes again.

With Elementor’s KISS engine all you have to do to edit any section of the page in the future is simply click on what you want to edit… and edit it. It’s truly WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) – this editor is so simple most clients after using it for a couple of hours feel confident enough that they no longer need a web developer for every minor change.

Which is exactly what I aim for – I want your freedom.

WordPress Integration

If It Ain’t Broke, Why Change It?

Now sure – a great engine is great – but there’s no point if this landing page can’t be integrated with your current WordPress website. Because after all you still want to keep various features of your old website like your inner pages – as well as your listing integration and things of that nature. 

Well the good news is that if you like you current website you can keep your current website. You don’t have to make a choice of either/or. 

The landing page can be adapted to your company.

Because I will integrate your landing page into your website and match the style/look and feel of the landing page to match your brand. Not only that I can also fix your website styles to better match the landing page and vice versa.

This allows you to start getting results right away – have your website looking good and you don’t need to wait for your entire website to get remade – which could take 6 months or more.

As part of the integration of your new website I will update the header and footer to match the landing page.

Highest ROI

The Single Greatest Thing You Can Do For Your Online Presence

Let’s be real – the most popular part of your website is going to be your landing page – so optimising this page to get you the results you want is going to be the highest ROI activity you can do.

Also by having a framework to work on which is all ready complete you can have your landing page up and running in less than 2 weeks – now if doing this nets you just one additional client a month, hell even one additional client per year it would be worth it right? 

Keep in mind once this system is implemented it will continue to pay dividends for as long as it is online – and will work to boost your other offline prospecting activities.

By the way – I haven’t even gotten into the copy of this landing page – which I will assist you in implementing to ensure that your agency’s message is on point with your target market and differentiates you from just another real estate agency – which many times is the strongest part of the conversion – this has just been a focus on 

If you’ve been meaning to convert your real estate website to an appraisal appointment generating machine – but have been unsure of whether doing so will yield you results – or have been hesitant due to the time commitment I highly suggest giving RELPA a spin – at the moment I’m offering to install this for free on your website to ensure that the landing page works.

From the many real estate agency owners I speak with I hear stuff like this all the time
  • “We know our website needs improvement – it’s always under consideration – but we’ve had our site redone three years ago. What difference is a new redesign going to make?”
  • “We’ve spoken to digital agencies – and I’m sure they’re good – but they don’t understand real estate – it’s different to many other businesses they work with.”
  •  “Sure Kosta, you have some great concepts and ideas – but I don’t know if I have the energy to undertake a whole redesign of my online presence. I know it’s important – but so are other things and I have to allocate my time to what’s important.”

Look – updating or creating a new website is not fun.

You have to sit down and talk about what every bit of colour is going to be, recreate potentially hundreds of inner pages – not to mention setup a listing sync with your current real estate portal – 

Link everything up with your CRM – sometimes deal with your previous online provider. 

Stress about whether you’re going to lose your Google rankings if you make changes.

Not to mention the hours you have to invest into the project, and the stress. 

And even after all that then the failure rate for web development projects is between 30 – 70% (literally over 30% of web projects don’t even get completed and launched) and that’s not to speak about projects that get completed but don’t result in any additional leads- those are some scary stats – and it’s no wonder why most real estate agencies stay with their same bad design year after year. Even when they know their website is leaking tens of thousands of dollars in revenue. 

But what if all those problems could be avoided? 

Well that’s what the Real Estate Landing Page Accelerator – which I’ll just call RELPA is here to fix. 

In short RELPA allows you to implement the cutting edge real estate appraisal acquisition techniques on your website to blow up your appraisal leads –  while keeping your existing website and technology – and allowing you to go live and start increasing appraisal appointments in as little as two weeks. 

It’s a number of pages that – when added to your website work together to ensure your website does what it needs to do – and that’s get more real estate appointments! 

And these pages can be styled to the look and feel of your WordPress website and integrated with your Crm systems.

So what exactly makes RELPA different to all the other ‘real estate templates’ you’ve seen around? 

Let’s get started!

Real Estate Testimonial Software

Position Yourself as the First Choice

Not only do 78% of people start their search for a real estate agent online – but also prospects are going to read third party non-biased reviews in making their decision. Wouldn’t you?

Let’s see what makes RELPA different.

Here is the review section on the new landing page:

You will note that there is also an individual review page accessible from the top menu

And here is the individual review page:

This is designed to get you appraisal appointments – let me show you how that’s done. 

Live Google Reviews

One Click Social Proof Pull

The Google review app will be able to pull live reviews from your Google Places page (even if you have multiple places with multiple reviews) and have them aggregated on your Reviews page – so the user can scroll through and read your Google reviews without leaving the website.

What’s more every Google review will have the Google logo which will allow the user to click and go directly to that individual review – to add trust and instill confidence in your prospect.

Rate My Agent Integration

Get Your Best RateMyAgent Reviews

The review page has a link to RateMyAgent – to immediately build trust. However the review page will allow us to put your most powerful RateMyAgent reviews first – because what is the point of having powerful reviews if they are stuck and not viewable by the client.

Just imagine reading 2 reviews from 2 separate real estate agents – one says that you did a great job, and your competitor’s review says they sold the house way above reserve. 

Which agent would you pick? 

The Review page will allow you to add individual RateMyAgent reviews so you can have your 3 most stand out reviews and control which reviews the user sees. 

Google Review Ordering

Strategical Seller Authority Positioning

Ordering reviews means we can now place the most important Google reviews at the top – ensuring that you control what reviews the prospect sees – the ones that will influence your prospect to make a decision.

We can order these on the front page and on the inner review page. 

73% of consumers read six or fewer reviews before making a decision


Because let’s be honest your customer isn’t going to read every single one of your reviews – and if you have a 50/50 split of tenant and seller reviews you want to ensure that the seller reviews are highlighted on your home page if this is where your revenue comes from and is your ultimate goal. 

Review Headlines

Differentiate Yourself With Results

Review headlines are going to make a huge impact on the effectiveness of your testimonials. 

Let’s say someone leaves a testimonial for a home you sold for them at $30,000 above the reserve. The testimonial may mention that they were very happy with the sale but does not mention the specific number of how high above the sale price you were able to sell their home for.

This information is very important – rather than asking them to change their review – you can now add a headline to your reviews which calls out the most important part of the review – which for sellers is most commonly how high above reserve price you were able to sell a property.

Think about it – when someone sees the review section they’re not going to go and read every single review – but they will quickly read the headline. This is your opportunity to position yourself explicitly as someone who gets their clients the best bang for their buck and is the clear choice for them to book an appointment with. 

Keep in mind that even if your competitor has just as many reviews as you do – by ordering them by most important and using a call out headline it’s going to make you look like the clear choice – and since most sellers only meet with one real estate agent and at maximum 2 – being shortlisted based on this is going to make a big difference in your bottom line at the end of the year. 

Multi Step Forms

Avoid Abandonment, Increase Form Completion

Multi step forms can get up to 300% more conversions. – Venture Harbour

We need to speak about Market Appraisal forms on real estate websites. They are woefully under optimised – and considering it’s the most important part of a website not focusing on this would be a big disservice to your bottom line.

The real estate landing page accelerator fixes a lot of issues and optimises your website for maximum Market Appraisal conversions – let’s discuss what it does.

The reason that a multi step form can increase your conversion rate by up to 300% is because people can really not be bothered to fill in forms – especially long forms. 

The solution may be to include a very short form – but then you are left with not enough information to qualify the prospect and end up only answering enquiries and not moving the process to the next stage.

Having a short form may lead to more enquiries – but you are left with no information to follow up with and provide value and no ability to qualify your leads – leading you to spend energy following up leads that are not motivated and unqualified.

Increase your conversions by taking advantage of the multi step features – the form starts with a king only one question – the prospect’s address – so there is minimal commitment to proceed to the next stage.

Address Auto Suggest

Increase conversions by 30% and get accurate client data backed by Google

The Market appraisal form comes with an address auto suggest – allowing your prospect to quickly enter their address details and have Google help them pick the right address.

This makes the form easier to fill in increasing conversion rates and increases the amount of accurate data.

Also – interesting fact – did you know the longest suburb name in Australia is ‘Mamungkukumpurangkuntjunya’ – can you imagine a prospect having to type that in? With the address auto suggest you don’t have to worry about creating a negative user experience for prospects with long street and suburb names.

Market Appraisal Benefits Section

Sellers will take action when you give them a reason

If the user resists filling in their address to get started there is a benefit section which outlines why they would want to proceed – a feature that is sorely lacking from most real estate websites.

The vast majority of market appraisal forms I find on real estate websites don’t even say why someone should fill out the form in the first place – they just assume the prospect knows why they would need to do this and does not need to be educated – or any effort made to differentiate a market appraisal from other real estate agents.

This template fixes this with a market appraisal benefit section – while this may seem like a minor thing – this is actually a big deal. Giving a person a reason and outlining the benefits of taking an action is a big improvement over just telling them to take an action.

Also if the user scrolls down that means they’re second guessing starting the form process – the benefits section will resolve this.

Sales Lifecycle Shortening Questions

Ask the Right Questions to Frame Your First Follow Up to your Advantage

It’s not just about having a multi step form – it’s about asking the right questions. And what are the right questions?

Well the right questions are the ones that are going to help you qualify the prospect and give you the information to move to the next stage as quickly as possible.

The multi step form on the RE landing page accelerator is optimised to ask just the right amount of questions.

Firstly – it asks for the address

Then it asks for Name, Email and Phone Number – pretty standard questions

Finally it asks for when the prospect wants to sell and the prospect’s relationship to the property. 

You don’t want to drive half way across town only to find out the property you’re appraising is for the owner’s son who just happened to mention at one point he may be thinking of selling and now the son is wasting everyone real estate agent’s time getting various appraisals to choose the right one. 

And if someone is just kicking tyres and is not motivated to sell – you want to know that too – so you can prioritise that lead correctly. There is a big difference between someone who is looking to sell in the next 6 months and someone who is looking to sell IMMEDIATELY due to circumstances and is highly motivated.

I would trust you would treat those two sellers very differently.

Asking the right questions and presenting them in the correct way sets the tone for the rest of your sales journey with the customer – you owe it to yourself to get this right to save yourself headaches down the line.

Multi Agent Booking Form

Qualified Appointments on Auto-pilot

The most important part of booking an appointment is – actually booking the appointment right? Having to go back and forth trying to lock down a time between yourself and the home seller can be a stressful process. 

Sometimes a seller can screw you around – telling you they’ll get back to you or being slow in response – leaving you in a situation where you’re unsure about whether the home appraisal will happen at all.

And even if it does you’ve wasted weeks trying to lock down a time that works.

Well now the booking form is completely integrated into your website as part of the multi step form – the prospect can enter their details and then book a time that works for them.

They can even choose whether to have the appointment on the phone, your office or at their address (you can remove and add options as required). Perhaps your prospect just wants an initial consultation over the phone first.

The user can choose the terms on which they will meet with you, and you can also increase or decrease the amount of choices available to the user to suit your needs. The great thing is – even if the user abandons the form at the booking stage you still have their details to follow up and find out what made them leave.

The best thing about the booking form is that it can be integrated to work either just for yourself or a staff of 10, 20 or more and integrate with all their calendars – think of the amount of time this would save.

Installation of this will also include integrating this booking system into your own real estate agency along with your staff and their calendar.

Abandonment Prevention

Stop 68% of your Prospects Abandoning your Form

Hypothetical question – what if someone enters their address – but then they leave? What should happen?

In a traditional form if a prospect chose to leave the website half way through your Market Appraisal page half way through – guess what – all that content is gone. 

With the in-built form abandonment feature you can ensure that you get all the details from a prospect’s enquiry. So for example if someone only enters in their address and then decides to leave – and that address just happens to be in an area where you’ve done a letterbox drop – well guess what – you’ve just prioritised your follow up.

Allow follow ups of abandoned forms

Again I want to stress that this is not a replacement for your manual follow up – instead this landing page accelerator product is meant to turbo-charge what you’re all ready doing – including cold door knocking for properties in the area you’re listing in – after all it’s not a digital vs. non-digital world – we can do both at the same time.

Capture the data from abandoned forms and use that as a reason to follow up and find out why they left the form – and if this even brings in just one additional home sale listing agreement per year – it would be worth it don’t you agree?

Ask for the appointment at the right time

The RELPA system will also add a call to action to the footer of your pages – so for example if a user clicks on your Reviews page and scrolls to the bottom of that page – you’re in the perfect position to ask for the user to take the next step – the call to action block will be visible on all pages and will allow the user to either request a call back or move to the next step.

Placing a call to action in the footer of your pages an increase conversions by up to 304% based on research conducted by protocol80.com

Call Back Feature

Increase self respect by asking for a minimal commitment

You may notice one thing that’s missing on this landing page is a contact form. That’s because this accelerator landing page does not have one.

Why is that?

Well do you want to be getting enquiries about what your commission rate is – and general questions which just waste your time. 

RELPA works on the assumption that you want to get on the phone with the prospect as soon as possible – now if the prospect chooses to not book an appraisal appointment the only other option they have is to request a call back.

Surely you would agree that you would rather speak to prospects on the phone to address and dig in to any potential issues that they have and qualify them right there and then – that way you’ll know exactly where you are with any prospect once you hang up the phone. 

By the way if a prospect is not willing to get on the phone and speak with you – then you can rest assured that’s because they’re just price shopping trying to get the lowest commission rate and you don’t want to deal with prospects like that in the first place. 

Below you can see the Request Callback Form. 

Ease of Use

Spend More Time Selling, Less time Web Managing

If you’ve read up to this point then you either probably have considered updating your online presence to maximise your appraisal leads and what I have told you about the RE landing page accelerator makes sense. 

But let’s be honest – if you’re like most real estate agents you’ve probably experienced web site updates/redesigns as painstaking processes that take months to complete and sink a lot of time.

So I want to show you why this landing page is going to make your life so much easier.

KISS Engine

Gain control of your online presence

The Keep It Simple Stupid engine – otherwise known as Elementor – is the easiest page builder ever made for WordPress. If you’ve ever been in a situation where you wanted to update a part of your website but were limited then you can say hello to freedom.

The WYSIWYG KISS engine is so easy you never have to wait on a web developer to make changes again.

With Elementor’s KISS engine all you have to do to edit any section of the page in the future is simply click on what you want to edit… and edit it. It’s truly WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) – this editor is so simple most clients after using it for a couple of hours feel confident enough that they no longer need a web developer for every minor change.

Which is exactly what I aim for – I want your freedom.

WordPress Integration

If It Ain’t Broke, Why Change It?

Now sure – a great engine is great – but there’s no point if this landing page can’t be integrated with your current WordPress website. Because after all you still want to keep various features of your old website like your inner pages – as well as your listing integration and things of that nature. 

Well the good news is that if you like you current website you can keep your current website. You don’t have to make a choice of either/or. 

The landing page can be adapted to your company.

Because I will integrate your landing page into your website and match the style/look and feel of the landing page to match your brand. Not only that I can also fix your website styles to better match the landing page and vice versa.

This allows you to start getting results right away – have your website looking good and you don’t need to wait for your entire website to get remade – which could take 6 months or more.

As part of the integration of your new website I will update the header and footer to match the landing page.

Highest ROI

The Single Greatest Thing You Can Do For Your Online Presence

Let’s be real – the most popular part of your website is going to be your landing page – so optimising this page to get you the results you want is going to be the highest ROI activity you can do.

Also by having a framework to work on which is all ready complete you can have your landing page up and running in less than 2 weeks – now if doing this nets you just one additional client a month, hell even one additional client per year it would be worth it right? 

Keep in mind once this system is implemented it will continue to pay dividends for as long as it is online – and will work to boost your other offline prospecting activities.

By the way – I haven’t even gotten into the copy of this landing page – which I will assist you in implementing to ensure that your agency’s message is on point with your target market and differentiates you from just another real estate agency – which many times is the strongest part of the conversion – this has just been a focus on 

If you’ve been meaning to convert your real estate website to an appraisal appointment generating machine – but have been unsure of whether doing so will yield you results – or have been hesitant due to the time commitment I highly suggest giving RELPA a spin – at the moment I’m offering to install this for free on your website to ensure that the landing page works.

5 Secret Strategies Upside Realty Uses to Turn their Website into an Appraisal Appointment Generating Machine

In all my time of auditing real estate websites for conversion improvements there is only one website that I have audited where I simply said ‘there is nothing that can be improved on this site’.

Just like with anything in life – in order to improve we should learn from the best – so in this blog we discuss what the best real estate agency is doing right with their online presence and how you can sky rocket your own conversion rates by copying what is all ready working.

Upside does everything correctly when it comes to ROI (return on investment a.k.a most seller listing appointments booked).

Here I will show you exactly what they do right and how you can incorporate it into your website.

You don’t need to spend $100K+ on a website like Upside – these are elements that any real estate agent can apply on their agency site right now.

1. Create the connection and grab attention

Unlike the majority of real estate agent’s homepages – which begin their websites with photos of properties -they’ve sold or are currently selling-, or local city buildings and skyscrapers Upside sets the tone of their website with a smiling staff member wearing professional attire and looking directly at the website visitor.

The reason Upside does this is to create an immediate and personal connection with the prospect.

Being in the service industry – Upside understands that their value doesn’t come from the properties they sell but the personal service they provide.

Everyone wants to deal with a friendly, professional real estate agent that gets results – and real estate agencies are really about the people and right off the bat Upside differentiates themselves int his manner.

2. A strong UVP

For most real estate agents their UVP (unique value proposition or headline) are extremely generic and interchangeable with other real estate agents.

While a headline like “Discover Your Coming Home Feeling” or “We Help You Find Your Dream Home” sound good on the surface and are better than simply saying “Welcome”, in reality they say nothing about a real estate agent and what makes them unique.

Can we all agree that no website should ever need to say “Welcome to [company name]” – people know they are on your website – you should get to the point as quickly as possible about why they should do business with you.
Some don’t even have a UVP instead simply having their logo take up the space where their headline/UVP would be. Clients don’t care about your logo – they want to know how you can help them.

Upside’s Unique Value Proposition headline is quick, to the point and establishes the tone for the rest of their website copy about why people should choose them.

With Upside their unique value proposition is quick, to the point and establishes the tone for the rest of their landing page of why people want to work with them.

Upside’s UVP gets straight to the point of why someone would want to sell their home with them. Notice the sub headline fleshing out and building upon the initial headline.

You don’t have to be unique to have a UVP – the important thing is to be different in the mind of the prospect . Most real estate agents – if asked if they have hidden costs will answer that they don’t – yet Upside is the only agency that specifically claims this which gives the customer confidence and builds trust – and fits in with Upside’s focus on saving the client money.

3. One Main Powerful Call to Action (Do You Know What You Want? Then Ask For It!)

Most real estate websites have a property search as their primary call to action on their home page:

This is the wrong approach for two reasons.

Firstly – most internet users do the research phase of buying a property on major internet portals like realestate.com.au and domain.com.au – competing with these websites is next to impossible.

Secondly – a property search on your home page is targeting home buyers – not sellers. Since most real estate agencies make the bulk of their revenue through seller listings.

So why would you focus on buyers on your home page when your main revenue source is sellers?

Instead of attempting to target sellers with property search you should be targeting home buyers with an appraisal appointment call to action.

Upside’s call to action is clear – there’s no mistaking what they want the prospect to do – it’s right there in bright orange.

Upside’s home page speaks directly to the buyer and asks for minimum commitment and piques the prospect’s curiosity with a bright ‘Get Started’ button – to take the prospect to the next step in the sales journey and begin the process of booking an appraisal appointment.

Soon the prospect is asked to book an appraisal appointment with the professionally attired man smiling at them – and they see a very small form that’s not asking for anything other than their property address and they think “Why not – this seems quite easy let’s see how this goes” – and now they are on the path to becoming a listing.

This multi step form is different from the Market Appraisal pages that most real estate agencies have as it is asking only a few questions to take the prospect to the next stage.

4. Client focused copy

The purpose of your website copy (copy is the text on your website) – is to communicate to the prospect how you can help them and persuade them to take action.

Most real estate agents don’t pass the “so what” or “why should I care” test by talking about things the client has no interest in such as how long they’ve been in business, their company history and other un-necessary things – especially on the About Us page.

Upside side steps this all together by getting right to the point – even on their ‘About Us’ section of their home page they dive straight into the big question – “Why Sell With Us?” – after all that’s what the client is asking.

Every piece of your website copy should be entered around the prospect’s wants and needs – and play its role in moving the client to the next stage of the selling process.

5. A calculator that actually makes sense

Most real estate websites have calculators on their ‘Resources’ or ‘Tools’ page – such as a mortgage calculator for example.

Unfortunately most real estate agents use calculators on their website incorrectly because if a client is looking for a calculator or to conduct research they will not do it on your website. Domain.com.au invests a lot of money into a whole plethora of tools to help prospects calculate their mortgage payments and other information.

Most home buyers begin their home buyers journey – including using these calculators before they even get to your website.

However you can make use of a calculator by using it as a tool to show the prospect exactly how much money they stand to save or make by choosing your real estate agency.

Check out the genius way Upside has incorporated a calculator into their website.

Upside’s calculator passes the “what’s in it for me” text by giving the prospect the most vital information – how much they themselves would save using Upside – using an adjustable slider.

The slider then also states exactly how this number is arrived at with the fine print.

When using a calculator make sure it relates directly to your prospect’s needs/wants and make it serve the purpose of persuading the client to take the next step.

6. Testimonials Done Right

Because clients these days are more sceptical than ever about what businesses say testimonials are a powerful form of third party social proof (just like Real Estate Awards or appearances on major television or radio stations) – which lend a stamp of approval to your business.

Prospects won’t even bother to put you on their short list if your website doesn’t exude trust – yet most real estate agents do testimonials incorrectly.

Because prospects will do their own independent research on your business using a third party tool like RateMyAgent.com you should make this third party information available on your home page.

While Upside’s testimonials section is not perfect – as they don’t have a dedicated Testimonial page or pull any of their fantastic Google Reviews to display alongside their RateMyAgent.com reviews they do three things very well.

Firstly – they make use of the RateMyAgent brand as they understand testimonials need to be third party verified to be relevant to the customer – as otherwise anyone could put any review on their website – not only do they use the RateMyAgent logo but they also link directly to their RateMyAgent.com page.

Secondly Upside uses photos with people in them – as humans respond much better to faces. This is in contrast to most real estate agents who use photos of the property that was sold as their testimonial which drastically decreases click through and recall rates.

Finally every review is result specific and speaks to their client’s needs and UVP (unique value proposition) by stating how much the client saved in fees.

Even if your UVP is not based on price you could still use this technique by stating how much a property was sold at $x above asking price – focusing on how much more money you put in a prospect’s pocket and highlighting these testimonials on your home page.


Studying what your competition is doing right is important for inspiration. In this blog I have broken down a leading real estate agency when it comes to having a strong internet presence – Upside – and showed you exactly what they do and how you can replicate it for yourself.

Making a strong first impression by using the right photos on their header – calling attention to their call to action and having a strong headline immediately connects Upside’s message to the prospect.

Then the various sections on their home page like their savings calculator, their strong copy and their testimonials section with third party verification tools helps to strengthen and persuade their prospect to take the next step – just in case they weren’t convinced all ready.

Upside’s website works because all the elements work together to achieve a common purpose – get the prospect to engage – using all of these elements together is the most powerful – start from the sections of your website prospects are most likely to visit and see – which is the top of your home page – and then work your way down.

5 Ways to Optimise Your Real Estate Forms to Increase Conversions (by Up to 185%)

How your market appraisal and contact forms are setup is integral in moving your prospects to the next stage of setting up an appraisal appointment – however most real estate agencies are doing contact forms incorrectly.

The form is a very integral part of your website.

Besides the obvious of non working forms – from my research of real estate companies I have found 5 critical conversion killing issues with real estate forms – these are not being clear with what the client will receive, not having a call to action, -not u- having too many fields and not utilising a multi step form, not asking the right questions – or asking the wrong ones and finally and failing to utilise an appointment booking form.

Forms are critical to your business so let’s go to the first issue.

1. Be Clear about what the Client Will Receive

our Market Appraisal form should make it clear why the prospect would want to fill it out. If you provide information to your prospects – is it better or different to what they can find themselves on realestate.com.au?

Many real estate agencies don’t even bother saying why someone would want to fill out their form or what they will receive for it.

The site above assumes that the client knows what a market appraisal report is, what it contains and why the prospect would want it.

2. If you want your form filled out – then ask the client to do it and tell them what they would get

Many real estate agents hide their forms in the ‘Selling’ drop down without calling attention to it on the home page.

Property Square Realty 2021-01-01 at 6.39.50 pm
The Market Appraisal page is hidden deep within the site – there is no mention of it on the home page. It’s hidden in the ‘Selling’ section of their menu.

A real estate agency’s revenue is directly related to how many property appraisal appointments they can book – which means the main focus and call to action in your menu and home page should be to get the prospect to book a Home Appraisal Appointment.

Your form should not be hidden in a drop down or be put AFTER the Buying tab.

In this example the call to action is very clear as soon as the user lands on the website. By the way having a ‘Get Started’ button is a great way to request minimal commitment to move the prospect along their selling journey with you.

3. Don’t Feed Me the Whole Enchilada at Once (How to Ask for a Little Bit at a Time)

Coming out the gate with 31 questions on your form overwhelms customers and massively decreases your conversion rate.

Most Market Appraisal forms – have a lot of questions which demoralise prospects – and the way to fix this and ensure you still get the information you need from your prospects is with a multi step form.

This Upside form is simply asking for the prospect’s property address. From here the user is taken on a journey – entering more bite sized pieces as they go along. – I’ve included the entire funnel below:
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Step 4
Step 5
Step 6

By feeding your prospect bite sized questions makes the process of entering their details manageable – a prospect looking at the funnel below would probably say “Hey why not, let me put my address in and see what happens”. The prospect is now curious what the next step will bring and filling out the form piques their curiosity and makes the sales journey seem like an adventure.

Should the prospect choose to leave your website before filling out the entire multi step form you will have enough details to initiate a follow up procedure should you wish to.

This is impossible with a one page form – where if the prospect leaves you don’t even know that they existed and you can guarantee you’ve lost that lead.

4. Ask the Right Questions (and Avoid the Wrong Ones)

Choosing what questions to ask on your property appraisal form is a balancing act.

You don’t want to ask too few questions and not have enough information to qualify the lead and follow up correctly.

The client is now directing the shots – perhaps asking the questions – and you don’t have any information to take this to the next stage. You are left with simply answering the client’s questions and then hoping that the client then agrees to go to the next stage.

On the other hand you also don’t want to have a form with too many irrelevant questions that scare prospects away.

This form is asking way too many questions – and even though not all of these questions are required in order to proceed the client does not know this and instead simply sees a very intimidating form. Despite asking so many questions few of these questions will help the real estate agent close the sale and irrelevant – and only serve to make doing business with them more difficult.

The purpose of the market appraisal form is to qualify the client and to give

The real estate agent enough information to close the sale smoothly and professionally – more questions can always be asked on the initial appointment.

Rather than asking questions about the property – which you can discover yourself with minimal research you should instead ask the following:

  • When are you looking to sell?
  • What is your relationship with the property?

These are the questions that will help you make the decision to see if this client is qualified.

5. If you want appointments – make them easier to book (The Appointment Form)

A real estate agent’s revenue is directly traced back to the amount of seller listing appointments they book – since setting appointments is such an integral part of your business – shouldn’t you do everything possible to make it easier for your potential prospects to book them?

Rather than playing the embarrassing game of phone or email tag to pin down an appointment – why not let your website handle this for you?

An online booking form will allow the client to choose a time to speak to you through an online scheduling form – this scheduling application will automatically present available times to your prospect that don’t clash with other events on your Calendar.

Upside.com.au has a custom made scheduling calendar which automatically assigns you to the schedule of the agent closest to you based on the property address you enter.

There are many off the shelf scheduling solutions available such as Calendly – which I use myself and which has many options such as automatic redirect after a user books an appointment.

The best thing about an online scheduler is that you can email the link to the home seller where they can choose a date and time – this greatly speeds up the process and makes it very clear to you when a prospect is not serious and is wasting your time.

This is because with traditional email tag a prospect can evade you and say they are “really busy” right now – or ask you to call them back in a week. With the schedule link the prospect can simply make a time which works for them at any point in the future – so the “too busy”excuse is eliminated.

While you may not have the Scheduling form on your website – you can integrate it into your sales process and how you deal with new enquiries – and it can speed up the sales journey considerably.


If you are looking at optimising your forms to increase your enquiries then the steps outlined in this blog will help you achieve that goal.

You need to understand what the purpose of not only your forms is, but your website and your business. If booking seller appraisal forms is your website’s purpose then make sure that you include a visible call to action to your most important form (the Market Appraisal form).

When the user lands on your form you should tell them why they should make the effort and what they will receive for filling out the form – and you need to ask the correct questions.

Remember the purpose of the form is to book the appraisal appointment and to assist you in closing the deal and becoming an exclusive seller for the prospect’s property – every question you ask should assist you with doing this – and any un-necessary questions should be stripped.

When it comes to speeding up the process and creating great user experience – implementing a scheduling form in your sales process will ensure that you are not left playing phone tag, annoying the client with follow ups for an appointment and losing your power in negotiations.

4 Ways to Increase Your Appraisal Appointments 65% by Using Your your Real Estate Testimonials Effectively

78% of people start their search for a real estate agent on the internet – and social proof in the form of testimonials weighs very heavily into their decision in picking an agent to book an appraisal appointment.

Most real estate agents are taking their most valuable asset – what their customers say about them and completely mis using it – presenting testimonials incorrectly and failing to get the most juice out of them – and losing 65% potential home sellers along the way.

In this blog I talk about the top 4 biggest mistakes that real estate websites make when it comes to testimonials.

Step #1: Don’t Hide Your Testimonials

Home sellers will do third party research on your agency before they choose to work with you – why not make it easy for them and showcase your testimonials.

Many real estate agencies hide their testimonials deep in their website.

Many real estate agencies hide their testimonials in the ‘Selling’ or ‘About’ drop down.

Many sellers will not check your ‘About Us’ page as most customers simply don’t care about your company and are more interested in how you can help them sell their home quickly at the highest rate – having the Testimonials hidden in the About Us menu reduces the possibility that they will be seen.

You should never rely on a client to “investigate” your website to find the information that will help them become a customer.

Even if you have 100 testimonials and your competitor only has 5 – if your testimonials are hidden and theirs are clearly visible they will appear more reputable to the client. It is about the prospect’s perception – not reality.

You should have your best testimonials somewhere on your front page. Secondly if you have enough to warrant it – you should have a separate page for your testimonials – the Testimonials page should be a top level page – and in fact it should really be right next to the ‘Home’ link in the top header bar.

If you have enough testimonials they should have their own top level page

If you check your Analytics – you would find that -almost- ALL your future clients will visit your Testimonials page during their sales journey.

ou want the most important information available to clients in an easy to find place – especially testimonials.

Step #2: Use Photos of People (People Want Stories Not Houses)

People respond more to photos of people than they do photos of houses.

When real estate agents use a photo to accompany their testimonial – they use a photo of a home. Sometimes they even mention the address of the home.

Here is one example:

When real estate agents use a photo to accompany their testimonial – they use a photo of a home.

People respond well to faces, to stories and -to- the human element. And whenever you can – use a photo (or even a video if possible) of your past customers.

This is an easy way to differentiate yourself, increase the effectiveness of your testimonials and makes you more momorable and increases trust.

Bonus Tip: You can get the photo of your previous customers by searching for them on LinkedIn or Facebook.

Customers would much rather you used a photo of their face than a photo and address of their property due to privacy.

Using photos of your past customers in their testimonials will differentiate you, increase your client’s trust and make you more memorable during the initial research phase of the home owner’s selling journey.

Step #3: Use the Customer’s Full Name

Using an abbreviation (not using the full last name) on your testimonial decreases its effectiveness and makes customers cynical about the testimonial’s authenticity.

There is no last name and no photo – this testimonial looks untrustworthy in the customer’s eyes.
While anonymous testimonials are acceptable on RateMyAgent.com this is because they are independently verified and the RateMyAgent brand is trusted and not incentivised to create inauthentic testimonials.

As a real estate agent your testimonials will not be as trusted as RateMyAgent.com – so ensure that last names are included.

Your customers know that your website is not RateMyAgent however including a last name will build their trust.

Step #4: Use Third Party Verification

There are two kinds of third party testimonial verification – these are Google Reviews and RateMyAgent.com.

If you type [real estate agent + reviews] into Google you will see the following:

RateMyAgent and Google Reviews are the most popular third party testimonial verification tools.

On the right is the Google Places page which will show the real estate’s average google rating – this is very prominent.

RateMyAgent will be in the top 3 results as it’s a popular real estate agency review site in Australia.

Since most sellers start their search on Google it’s important that you have a presence on these two websites.

When you place testimonials on your website without including a third party verification link it is less effective and prospects will be -more- cynical to their authenticity.
When showing your reviews make sure to provide a link to RateMyAgent like Upside does above.

Another method is to have a Google testimonial widget to ensure prospects don’t leave your website:

A Google widget pulls in reviews from your Google MyBusiness account and shows them on your website. Customers can click through to the individual reviews to verify their authenticity.

In fact I use this on my own website. The idea behind this is that people can click through and see the review on Google – which immediately creates trust while staying on your website.

Another powerful widget is a summary review verification widget like these:

Add this to the top of your home page to build immediate trust quicker.

In summary if you have a presence with Google Reviews and Rate My Agent – make sure you make it known!

Bonus Tip: if you are looking to build your Google reviews you can send clients a direct link in an email which will take them to the ‘Post New Review’ page on your Google My Places tab. You can find this by trying to post a review on your page and then copy/pasting that URL into an email link.


Research has shown that testimonials increase conversions by an average of 34% on sales pages and 380% on higher ticket items.

Your testimonials are your most prized marketing asset – so make sure they are displayed prominently, include customer photos and a last name and are independently verified so that they do their job of building trust and increasing your appraisal booking rates.

5 Ways to Stop Home Buyers Abandon your Website by Fixing these 5 Critical Technical Problems

Technical problems on real estate websites make your real estate agency look cheap and incompetent.

Clients can forgive a website that is not flashy – but when things are broken that will reflect on how users see your brand – just like a dirty or unkempt office, arriving late to an appointment or unfriendly staff – technical issues add up to contributing to a prospect choosing not to do business with you.

Unlike a dirty office or unfriendly staff though – you will never even know they are the cause of lost business because clients will click away without a word.

Technical issues always boil down to 5 things –

  • slow websites caused by sliders
  • missing security certificates
  • incomplete tags
  • broken headers
  • broken forms

Unlike in person – on the internet there is nothing stopping a client from clicking away from your website and heading over to a competitor – there is no objection handling to be done – you will not even know you were being considered in the first place.

1. Big Sliders and Little Big Images (Slow Websites)

Website speed is more than just not making the client wait around for your website to load – much more importantly it directly affects your Google rankings.

Fixing slow websites have led to an increase of 36% for clients I have worked with.

Kosta Kondratenko

Most real estate companies don’t audit and test their website speed during handoff from a developer and actually believe their website performs generally well without being aware of just how much optimisation potential there is and the different it’ll make to their organic traffic and user experience.

There are two main reasons for a slow real estate website –

  • un-necessary sliders and
  • unoptimised property images

Un-necessary sliders

Many real estate sites have a slider at the top of their homepage with up to 7 images – all of which need to be loaded before the website can be displayed.

Sliders also offer no practical benefit because no customer is going to sit through a website slider – the attention span of the typical prospects is less than 3 seconds. They either click and scroll to what they’re looking to achieve – or they leave.

Screen Recording 2021-01-30 at 02.43.54 pm
This website has 3 large sliders.

Finally sliders decrease your appraisal appointment booking rates because they diffuse the focus and give the client too many options to click on – leading the prospect to become overwhelmed and taking them off the critical path to become a customer.

Sliders also decrease the amount of leads your website receives because they diffuse the focus and give the client too many options to click on – which means you lose the critical path that the user needs to take to become a customer.

Unoptimised Property Images

Many ‘properties recently sold’ or ‘recently listed’ sections on real estate websites can contain many listings and the images for these listings are not optimised – instead they load the large version of the property listing images which is the equivalent of loading all your real estate listings at once.

Here we have 4 supposedly thumbnail images – however when I check the source of these images you will see they are actually huge and not optimised for this section
This image is over 250KB – much larger than it needs to be. Now imagine having 20 property listings in a slider on the home page.

Clients with slower or mobile connections will have to wait longer for your home page to load and Google will penalise and put your site at the bottom of results if you have unoptimised thumbnail images.

2. Missing Security Certificates

Security certificates (also known as SSL Certificates) allow your browser to certify that a website is safe. These security certificates are responsible for putting a green padlock or ‘Not Secure’ message in your browser address bar.

So how do you think the client will feel when they come across a website like this.

While the client may not know what an SSL certificate is or what it means – it just makes your brand look cheap. If the first thing you see before your business name is ‘Not Secure’ what kind of first impression are you building with the client?

When your prospect sees ‘Not Secure’ as the first thing when landing on your homepage you immediately start off on the wrong foot and lose their trust.

The good news is you can easily fix this issue by calling your reputable website hosting company and getting an SSL certificate installed for free.

If your hosting provider attempts to charge you for an SSL then that should be a red flag – as most reputable hosts provide one for free these days.

3. Incomplete Google tags

Missing title and description tags destroy your brand message and makes you look unprofessional on your Google listings when prospects are searching for you on Google.

Even if you can appear in a prospect’s relevant search results your brand will be devalued immediately and will lead to low confidence in the prospect’s belief that you can sell their home.

How can you sell a prospect’s home using the internet when you can’t make your listing appear properly on Google?

Below is an example of a real estate’s Google listing when no Google tags are present.

The example above is a real estate’s Google listing when no Google tags are present. The two issues with this Google listing are:

  1. No Title – since there is no title tag on the website Google defaults to having the website’s URL again -in the title-. Not good – in fact it’s no coincidence that this company doesn’t come up for their own branded keyword.
  2. No Description – underneath the title you can see Google lifts the top menu text – this is because the website has no description tag – which Google looks for first to find out what it should put in the description field on its search results.

If you don’t have this description tag then it’s up to Google to choose what to show there – and Google doesn’t always make the best decision in these matters. In this case Google just shows the first readable text it sees – which happens to be the menu items since menus are usually the first text that a website renders.

ou wouldn’t create a mailbox drop with just your website URL and a list of menu items as that would make a horrible impression – so why do it on your Google listing?

Adding a title and description tag with your company name and tagline will ensure prospects know exactly what you are about and your UVP (unique value proposition) – to help you differentiate yourself, capture their attention and increase the click through rate.

The important thing is that when clients search for you on Google that it looks correct and is not broken and leaving a bad first impression.

4. Headers – Broken Menus and Humongous Spacers

Headers are the the top section of your website that houses your navigation menu items (Home, About Us – those kinds of links) and perhaps your phone number and social media links.

The two most common issues with real estate website headers are being too big and having unexpected and confusing navigation.

Here we have a header that takes up nearly half of the screen – and leaves the rest of the content barely visible.

It’s frustrating for the user to navigate your website and find the information they need when an un-necessarily large header is in their way – which leads to the client being annoyed by your brand.

The other issue to do with headers is unexpected and confusing navigation.

This website looks slick from first glance – but where is the top menu. If you look over to the right you’ll see 3 lines that when clicked bring up the menu.
People used to seeing a menu at the top of the page – no matter how slick it is. Also the popup menu lists the address and direct email on the left – another unconventional place to put this information.

Do not arrange your website navigation in unconventional ways – for example by having the user need to click a navigation button to view the menu like in the example above.

Attempting to be artistic by differentiating your navigation only adds to prospect’s confusion – and leads to prospects having difficulty in finding the information they are after – which is the last thing you want and leads to prospects being annoyed with your brand.

Difficult navigation usually happens when companies try to arrange their menus in a non conventional way. Perhaps due to inexperience or artistic reasons they try to make headers different from everyone else.

Unfortunately this is the type of differentiation that you DO NOT want for your company.

On a website you should have items in places where people expect for ease of use and to avoid confusion. The last thing you want is for people to not be able to find the information they want because they’re confused about where to go.

A common issue I see is menus like in the example above where the user has to click a navigation button to view the menu. Other times a whole section of menu items are hidden unless the user does something to reveal them – you must never underestimate how easy it is for prospects to get confused by your navigation.

Even if the prospect figures out how to use your menu they are all ready in a state of annoyance (and perhaps feeling a little stupid) that they couldn’t find what they were looking for – and everything you say will be tainted by this.

5. The Hidden Broken Form

Forms are essential in moving the client to the next stage of listing their home with you.

The two main technical issues that I see with online real estate forms that stop this from happening are

  • Non-asynchronous form processing and
  • Non-required fields

An asynchronous form is able to process the client’s inputs with minimum delay and not having to reload the page. This makes the form quicker to process and provides a better user experience.

An example of an asynchronous form

The second issue is required fields. A non required field in a form means an input that is not necessary to complete in order to submit the form.

When you don’t make certain fields required – like a phone number for example – this sinks your conversion rates because now prospects can send you questions without giving you their contact number which makes it impossible to follow up with the prospect to qualify them and move them to the next stage.

The three required fields you should always ask the client are:

  • Their phone number
  • Their property address
  • When they plan to sell

If a client is unwilling to leave you the following information they are unlikely to list their home with you either.

Upside does not allow you to leave an online message without a phone number – they only provide a Callback Form. The phone number is always required.


Slow websites, missing security certificates, unoptimised forms and broken menus are the most common real estate technical issues.

Fixing these issues will allow you to increase your appraisal bookings and charge higher commissions – as you will be seen as a premium service and a company that is easy to deal with – after all if your website is a breeze to use then your ability to hunt down home buyers and sell your prospect’s home must be just as efficient.

The 4 Deadly Mistakes Real Estate Websites Make (And How to Fix Them to Blow Up Your Appraisal Appointments by up to 483%)

In this blog I will list the 4 most common mistakes on your real estate website that are preventing home owners from booking appraisal appointments.

These include how to create a real estate headline that stands out and avoid generic “We Sell Homes” type headlines.

The counter-intuitive reason you should never include a photo of properties on your home page header.

What the focus of your home page should be and how to avoid getting stuck in trying to give everything to everybody and confusing your prospects.

And finally I discuss how to do forms right and how to avoid having your prospects leave your Market Appraisal pages.

Mistake #1: Generic Brand Statements (Yes I know you sell homes – but why you)

A headline is the first thing your website visitors read when they come to your website – it should summarise in a few words your UVP (unique value proposition) – how you help home owners and what makes you different from other real estate agents.

Your headline must be client centric and focus on their pains, needs and aspirations and avoid “self-centric” focus on yourself – when people land on your website they don’t care about your company’s history – they want to know exactly how you can help them.

Most real estate websites suffer from generic headlines – these are forgettable and say nothing about the agent.

This headline is too generic, says nothing and is easily forgettable.

Your website should not state the obvious – clients know that you are a real estate agent so you don’t have to point it out – e.g. “We Will Sell Your Home” or “Let us Find Your Dream Home” is stating the obvious.

Here is an example of a UVP focused headline.

“An Agent with a Guarantee – If I Can’t Sell Your Home Then I Don’t Get Paid”

You can also have a subhead-line that includes more specific information to expand on your Unique Value Proposition.

Upside uses a UVP focused headline to differentiate themselves through pice. The sub headline elaborates on the UVP headline with specifics.

You must state why the client should choose you immediately – you must know your ideal client and where you stand in the marketplace to do this effectively.

Mistake #2: Not Letting Customers Know Who You Are

Most real estate companies don’t show the faces of the people who make up the company – instead they show a generic photo of a building, an apartment or a lake.

Most real estate websites have headers based on generic photos of the city or town that they are in.

In a service based business customers expect the personal touch – what better way to do that then with a photo of the owner or a member of staff to create that connection and create a personalised experience.

Instead of hiding staff photos on the ’Team’ page – make them a focal point on your home page – no amount of design changes will create the emotional and personal connection that of a photo of an agent will.

Scientific studies show prospects are 2x more likely to click on and engage with links that have photos of people – rather than logos or non human photos.

There is a reason why brands pay millions of dollars for brand ambassadors and spokespeople to represent them.

Even though Upside has 30+ real estate agents they create the personal touch by having a friendly face greet the person visiting the site.

No matter how large or small your agency – a human photo on the front page helps build a personal connection with your prospects right off the bat and clients will be more receptive to your brand when you follow them up which will lead to more seller listings closed.

Mistake #3: Selling Properties (Instead of Selling Listing Appointments)

The focus for your real estate website should be to book appraisal appointments as they are the foundation to your revenue.

When your real estate website is focused on trying to sell your listed properties you end up competing with major property portals like RealEstate.com.au.

RealEstate.com.au and Domain.com.au are the two main websites, they are first port of call, trying to compete with these websites is impossible. This is where people begin their search for a home.

Instead of encouraging the prospect to browse properties the focus should be on selling appointments.

When your main call to action is encouraging people to search for properties you compete with the major portals.

Closing a listing appraisal will bring two customers for the price of one – the home seller and home buyers. Focusing on home buyers will only bring one type of lead.

EVERYTHING on your front page should be done with only 1 goal in mind – get the seller to take action and reach out to you and book an appointment.

Upside’s focus is on booking an appraisal appointment – with two calls to action in the header.
Every section of Upside’s home page is designed to move the client to the next step in the selling process.

Mistake #4: You Need More Than An Email (Bad Forms)

When done right your website forms help you book seller appointments and start the selling relationship on the right foot by asking the right questions and providing your sales agents and yourself useful information to help you take the home owner to the next stage in the sales process and close the sale.

As a minimum your form should have

  • The home owner’s phone number – don’t allow prospects to leave their email and waste your time with long back and forth messages.
  • The property address – this will help -you- in creating value when you follow up with the client.
  • Prospect’s buying stage – this will help you qualify the prospect and know if they are looking to sell immediately or are just shopping around to prioritise the your leads effectively.

Real estate agents either don’t ask these questions or they don’t make the questions required.

Asking these questions will make the sales process run smoothly and will stop you from losing your power in the sales process by forcing you to follow up without the relevant data.

Having forms that don’t ask the right question put you at a disadvantage in the sales process.
Asking too many questions will decrease your conversion rates significantly.


Just like a face to face appraisal appointment your website must have a system to control the flow of conversation and lead the client to the next stage of the sales journey with you. This system is accomplished with the words and images you use on your home page and determines how prospects view your company and how many appointments you book.

Just like your sales appointments have a structure so should your website – you wouldn’t spend an hour with a customer just answering random questions without structure that’s designed for a specific goal – so your website should be structured to achieve a goal.

Once your prospect decides to engage with you for an initial consult you must ensure your forms are optimised to make this process as easy as possible for the prospect – and ask the right questions for a smooth hand off to your sales team (or yourself).

The items I’ve just outlined – a UVP headline, correct header photo, forms and focusing on booking sales appraisal appointments – contain the fundamental building blocks of optimising your real estate website for maximum appraisal listings and can lead to up to 483% or higher conversion rates when used in combination.