On the first step of the website review I found Silkwood Medical was all ready ranking for some high competition keywords (such as ‘plastic surgeon sydney’) – so I knew there was all ready high trust in the Google SERPs through backlinks from high authority sites/media – SWM (Silkwood Medical) was trusted by Google. The challenge in this case would be to increase its all ready strong Google presence.
While the SWM website had a speed plugin installed I felt there was more performance that could be cranked out of the site – and the plugin that was used to speed up the site was a free plugin and I suspect the site was not optimized.
So the first phase of organic growth was optimizing the speed of the site. This involved installing a paid speed plugin and optimizing the settings so it would work across the entire site – this included installing a separate cache for mobile and desktop. There was a video on the front page which was draining server resources and slowing down the site – by creating a separate cache for mobile it would not be loaded on mobile sites.
Then there was setup and integration with Key CDN (Content Delivery Network) – so images and videos would be loaded extra fast. The speed of the site went to under 2s load time from an original load time of 5-6 seconds.
After that it was a case of seeing and optimising individual product pages for opportunities for growth – for example hairline lowering was changed to ‘hairline lowering / forehead reduction’ which are two common names for the same procedure.
Finally a link building program was initiated – which unfortunately I cannot talk too much about here (but can discuss over the phone if you are interested) to send powerful links to the site.